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Talking Paws, run by Rachael, Highly Recommended Jan Fennell Dog Listener. Rachael can help you with any non-medical behavioural problem, or simply set you on the right path to a fulfilling relationship with your best friend.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Pippa diary 27 Mar 12

Hi mum, went out today with Dritta, met a dog and another dog (Rachael says one was a Scottish terrier and the other a Labrador) I dont know what that means but they smelt good :)

Oh and me and Dritta, sorry Dritta and I, found a dead rabbit but Rachael wouldn't let me near it, she can be such a spoil sport at times. So I made do with a few feathers I found, maybe from the rabbit...do rabbits fly mummy?

This is a picture of me and dritta when we were running towards Rachael, pointless really all I got was a pat on the head, why do you humans do that? My head is filled with questions today.

See you soon
Love Pippa x

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