24 May 12
Hi Mum, had a great day today. I was very gentle with Rachael today because she had bare legs! I didn't realise Rachael actually had legs to be honest Mum :) We went on our usual walk and both of us played in the river for a bit skimming stones which I never managed to catch. Oh and also, I got a bit scared of two baby cows today, but Rachael came to my rescue, phew!
See you soon
Love Harvey x
10 May 12
Hi mum, just been on a nice walk with Rachael and I have one question, where did all the water go, I got really excited about splashing around like I did last week but it's all gone, it's left loads of great smells behind.
I was a bit rough with Rachael today I think because she put me on my lead much earlier today :( I will try harder next time!
See you soon
Love Harvey xx
3 May 12

I'm exhausted now, had such a fun time though :) have included some pics Rachael took of me.
Love Harvey x
26 Apr
Had a great walk today, it wasn't raining but really really windy....I don't like it when it's windy, it messes with my senses.
I was a really good boy today Rachael said, can't wait til you get home.
See you soon
Love Harvey x
20 Apr 12

Rachael reckons my tummy is a little better now as well.
Can't wait for you to come home so we can spend the weekend together :)
See you soon
Love Harvey xx
We got caught in the rain today mum, it was great, the best smells are when the rain comes. I did have an upset tummy today, went to the toilet 3 times Rachael counted, not sure why she was counting, she can be a bit weird sometimes :)
I tried to play with her today in the oh way I know how tee hee! Then we met the postman who gave me a biscuit for no reason whatsoever! Tasty though.
See you soon mum
Love Harvey x
12 Apr 12
Hi mum, it was hailing a little today on my walk, I was really good today as always. Had a little play in the river and walked back over the bridge where I was very close to two black cows :)
Rachael has asked me to ask you how I got on at the vets.
See you soon mum
Love Harvey x
7 Apr 12
Hi mum, I think Rachael got confused with the days this week, she totally thought it was Thursday ha ha
7 Apr 12

Had a great walk, met two dogs and a family, I was ok but I did jump on one of the dogs back so Rachael put me on a lead.
I went for a dip by the weir, met some horses and cows :)
See you soon
Love Harvey x
29 Mar 12
Hi Mum, today was a good day, although I was on lead for most of it as there were lots of other dogs around. I went swimming in the river and met a dog the other side of the river and I was very good, didn't intimidate him at all. After our walk I told Rachael all the places where she could put her flyers up for the Leavenheath Dog Workshops so I got to spend more time with her today :)
We did meet a few dogs in the street and Rachael said I wasn't nearly as bad as I usually am :) This is a picture of me running across the River having said hello to a dog.
See you soon
Love Harvey xx
22 Mar 12
Hi mum, I was full of beans today and Rachael said I was a very good boy. This is me with a stick we were playing with, then I went for a bit of a paddle in the river.
Rachael thinks it will be a good idea if my diary goes onto her blog, I don't know what blog means mum but Rachael says my identity will be protected and other people will know what I get up to. If you agree she will direct you to the page each week :)
Rachael's also coming over tonight to see me, I hope that's ok?
Love Harvey xx
15 Mar 12
Hi mum, had a great time today and I was a really good boy. Did lots of paddling in the river as it was really warm weather today :)
Rachael wants to come and see us when we're free, she said let her know either an evening or at the weekend.
See you soon
Love Harvey
23 Jan 12
Look mum I met a friend today and had such a great time, we didn't go very far today just to the field so me and Harley could get to know each other. I intimidated him at first, he got scared because as you know mum I can be quite scary can't I :)
But then all of a sudden my friend Harley got some confidence and started to play with me which was great. Rachael thinks we're a good match so I reckon I'll be seeing more of him :)
Today totally took my mind off my ear situation, now I can have a nice sleep and wait for you to get home xx
10 Jan 12
Mummy, why did you tell Rachael about my ear, I've been practicing all morning trying to keep my head straight so she wouldn't have noticed, in fact i was upstairs practicing when she arrived, she totally wouldnt have noticed as i got it perfected, but you told her so most of my walk today was on the flippin lead. I was let off for short periods on the narrow lanes but couldn't run hardly at all..... We did get to play in the river a little bit though, that was fun :)
I know you told her because you care about me so I forgive you x
See you later
4 Jan 12
Hi Mum, I think I have an ear infection, have you noticed me holding my head to my left side? I wasn't able to let Rachael know whether it hurts me because, well....I'm a dog!
Rachael had a look inside my ear when we got home but it doesn't look red, but I thought I should tell you.
Had a great walk anyway, we met some dogs and Rachael proved her strength to me!!! :)
See you later x Harvey
23 Dec 11
Hi Mum, I was an extra special boy today... I had great fun by the river, Rachael threw a stick in for me but I couldn't get it because the silly woman threw it too far, I did try though. Here's a picture of me which I know you'll like :) because I'm handsome x
Can't wait for you to get home so we can spend every day together for ages xxHarveyxx
20 Dec 11
Hi Mum, I was a reasonably good boy today, bit I do have a little confession to make....I ripped Rachael's coat sleeve :( I was just trying to play and accidentally caught it, Rachael's totally cool about it though, she even gave me a biscuit later on in the walk for something I did right :)
After writing to you, (which is very difficult with my big paws) I'm going to have a sleep a wait for you to get home x
12 Dec 11
Hi Mum, I think I feel much better, Rachael didn't notice any difference in me.
It was lovely and sunny on my walk today and I was off the lead the whole time, kept trying to body barge Rachael, ha ha ha, what fun!!
Can't wait to see you Mum, hurry home xIt was lovely and sunny on my walk today and I was off the lead the whole time, kept trying to body barge Rachael, ha ha ha, what fun!!
Can't wait to see you Mum, hurry home x
6 Dec 11
Look Mum, I'm not on the lead :) I was a good boy today as always, I tried my playful run up and nose Rachael's hand, but it didnt work, I made her laugh though :)
When I saw a dog in the field, Rachael gave me a choice continue after the dog or run back to her, I chose the right option Mum, I know it was right because I got a biscuit :)
Didn't get very muddy but got a little towelling when I got home.
Hope your having a nice day, see you later x
29 Nov 11
Hello, Rachael took me out for a walk today and I was really well behaved, she didn't think we would get very far today but I was extra good on the lead.
Attached is a picture of me and my prized tree, which I managed to carry with me for half the time we were out!! But i know you have seem me do this before but thought you may like a picture to brighten up your day :)
I wasn't let completely off the lead but Rachael felt confident enough to let me just trail it behind me....which between you and me mummy, is a bit annoying!
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