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Talking Paws, run by Rachael, Highly Recommended Jan Fennell Dog Listener. Rachael can help you with any non-medical behavioural problem, or simply set you on the right path to a fulfilling relationship with your best friend.

Friday, 29 June 2012

Pippa Diary 29 Jun 12

Hi Mum, I went to Nayland for a walk today with Hansi Dritta and Toby, had an excellent time, played about in the river which cooled us all down, even Rachael came in with us.  Toby rolled in sick and he had an orange neck which was really smelly on the way home.

Love Pippa x

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Pippa Diary 26 jun 12

Hi Mum, had such a lovely walk today, I went with Hansi, Dritta and Toby around my local area. We met a really big greyhound and me and Toby were chasing each other the whole time, he thinks I'm great :)

See you soon
Love Pippa x

Friday, 22 June 2012

Pippa diary 22 June 12

Hi mum, I got to go on two walks today, first me, Hansi, Dritta and my new friend Toby went to Arger den for a run around, then we went to meet Stanley (a sausage dog) and hung out at the park near where Stanley lives, I went swimming in the river with Toby then we ran around the field chasing each other then I came home. It was a great day :)

See you soon
Love Pippa x

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Pippa Diary 19 June 12

Hi mum, I hung out with Cobber today and guess what.....I met Rachael's new dog Toby, we were instant friends, he's so tall and very handsome. I also wanted to smell good for him do I rolled in bird pop, Rachael ruined it by washing me down and my collar!

Here is a picture of Toby and I.
Love Pippa X

Friday, 15 June 2012

Pippa Diary 15 June 12

It was just me and Rachael today, sorry Rachael and I.

We had a lovely summer walk, Rachael said that I was being a monkey today, as I was a bit of a wanderer. It's just not the same as when my friends come out with me so I've made Rachael do her best to bring my friends. I still had a good time though.

See you soon.
Love Pippa xx

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

What Makes a Leader?

Talking Paws: Jan Fennell's Weekly Topic: What Makes a Leader? Here in the UK and in many other countries around the world people have been shari...

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Pippa diary 12 June 12

Hi mum, I went out with Cobber today and nearly caught a pheasant which was trapped in a hedge, but Rachael got there before I could tuck in!

I didn't get too muddy today just a little wet but Rachael had a towel in the car so she made sure I was clean.

Rachael trusts me completely off lead now which is wonderful :)

See you soon
Pippa xx

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Harvey Diary 7 June 12

Hi Mum, had a great walk today, Rachael thought I seemed quite subdued today, I soon set her right, as soon as she thought it I initiated a game with her then went diving into the river :)

See you soon
Love Harvey x