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Talking Paws, run by Rachael, Highly Recommended Jan Fennell Dog Listener. Rachael can help you with any non-medical behavioural problem, or simply set you on the right path to a fulfilling relationship with your best friend.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Harvey Diary 26 Apr 12

Hi mum, have a look at the pictures Rachael took today, Nayland is really flooded it was crazy.

Had a great walk today, it wasn't raining but really really windy....I don't like it when it's windy, it messes with my senses.

I was a really good boy today Rachael said, can't wait til you get home.

See you soon
Love Harvey x

Friday, 20 April 2012

Harvey Diary 20 Apr 12

Hi Mum, we got caught in the rain again today, we even had a thunderstorm, it was great but nice to get dry and warm after though :)

Rachael reckons my tummy is a little better now as well.

Can't wait for you to come home so we can spend the weekend together :)

See you soon
Love Harvey xx

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Harvey Diary 19 Apr 12

We got caught in the rain today mum, it was great, the best smells are when the rain comes. I did have an upset tummy today, went to the toilet 3 times Rachael counted, not sure why she was counting, she can be a bit weird sometimes :)

I tried to play with her today in the oh way I know how tee hee! Then we met the postman who gave me a biscuit for no reason whatsoever! Tasty though.

See you soon mum
Love Harvey x

Friday, 13 April 2012

Talking Paws: Jan Fennell's Weekly Topic

Talking Paws: Jan Fennell's Weekly Topic: Seeing the Wood for the Trees How often have we seen a situation involving others and thought “if that were my child, my dog, my etc. I w...

Juno Diary 13 Apr 12

Hi Mum and Dad,I had a great time today, I met some new friends, apparently their names are Harley and Lily, but I could just identify them by their smell, you humans are so strange naming things when you can just smell them :)

Anyway, we went around Alton water and I was the only one who knew where we were going, so I led them to all the great spots for smells and paddles in the water, they thought I was great, we had a really good game me and Harley on the way back too.

I ate all my dinner as well like a good girl and Rachael said I was super good on the walk :)

See you soon
Love Juno x

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Harvey Diary 12 Apr 12

Hi mum, it was hailing a little today on my walk, I was really good today as always. Had a little play in the river and walked back over the bridge where I was very close to two black cows :)

Rachael has asked me to ask you how I got on at the vets.

See you soon mum
Love Harvey x

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Harvey diary 7 Apr 12

Hi mum, I think Rachael got confused with the days this week, she totally thought it was Thursday ha ha

Had a great walk, met two dogs and a family, I was ok but I did jump on one of the dogs back so Rachael put me on a lead.

I went for a dip by the weir, met some horses and cows :)

See you soon
Love Harvey x