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Talking Paws, run by Rachael, Highly Recommended Jan Fennell Dog Listener. Rachael can help you with any non-medical behavioural problem, or simply set you on the right path to a fulfilling relationship with your best friend.

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Another successful ABc's 4 Dogs

Locals of Ipswich have just completed the 4 weekly workshops ABc's 4 Dogs which brings me enormous pride that so many more dogs have been helped by these great people who attended the workshops.

I received some wonderful comments back and wanted to share some with you....

"It has been great to come along to learn about dog behaviour without the pressures of taking my dog with me.  It has given me and my family an insight into how our dog views the human world and given me valuable skills in dealing with him, it has made the experience of having a dog a much happier one.

I would highly recommend this course"  Paula

"Super, 1st class" John

"I have put Rachael's suggestions to practice and 'it works'.  This will help me greatly in the future" Sue

The next set of workshops begin on 11 February at the Leavenheath Village Hall

Don't miss out, book your place click here

Saturday, 21 January 2012

ABc's 4 Dogs - February Dates Confirmed at Leavenheath Village Hall

Leavenheath Village Hall, Wrights Way CO6 4NS

11 February from 10-11am
18 February from 10-11am
25 February from 10-11am
03 March from 10-11am

To register your place, click the link here
Register for ABc's 4 Dogs